Miller and Company LLC offers the largest selection of metallurgical briquettes for use in cupola furnaces. Briquettes containing Silicon Carbide, Ferrosilicon, Ferromanganese, Fluorspar and Titanium Dioxide are available in different sizes and shapes for precise additions to your charge. Carbon/Coke replacement briquettes are available to reduce foundry coke, provide operational benefits and significant cost savings. Custom briquettes can be developed to meet your specific needs.

Silicon Carbide briquettes are designed to add silicon and carbon to iron melted in cupolas, provide deoxidization, and increase melt rate by reducing coke consumption. Significant bottom line savings can be achieved by using Silicon Carbide as part of a Cupola charge.

DE-OXO-SIL Silicon Carbide is a unique granular material designed to provide carbon and silicon to iron melted in electric furnaces. Lining life of furnaces lined with silica refractory is extended by regular addition of DE-OXO-SIL due to deoxidization and reduction in the amount of FeO in the slag. Low aluminum content minimizes the chances of alumina build up, resulting in greater efficiency in transfer of electrical energy to the bath. Low sulfur content provides additional savings in production of ductile iron. Miller's processing facilities can size the material to improve recoveries and effectiveness. DE-OXO-SIL is available in both bulk and packaged form.

Miller and Company is the only supplier of briquettes and Silicon Carbide grain with processing plants strategically located throughout the country, reducing freight costs and inventory requirements. Reliability and consistency are assured by sourcing the finest raw materials available, coupled with state-of-the-art processing and quality control.

Typical Analysis and Sizes
Product Shape/Packaging Typical Weight Typical Alloy Content
65% SiC Slabs, Bulk 4.5 lbs.-30 lbs. Silicon Carbide 65%
Total Carbon 30%
36% SiC Slabs, Bulk 3.5 lbs.-40 lbs. Silicon Carbide 36%
Total Carbon 38%
50% Silicon Slabs 35 lbs. Silicon 50%
70% SiC Bulk 5 lbs. Silicon Carbide 70%
Total Carbon 27%
G-Flux Cylinders 7 lbs. Titanium Dioxide 27%
Carbon Slabs, Bulk 2-23 lbs. Total Carbon 60%
Silicon Carbide Grain (DE-OXO-SIL)
3/8" x D* 50 lbs.** Silicon Carbide 92%
Total Carbon 30%
90% SiC 3/8" x D* 50 lbs.** Silicon Carbide 90%
Total Carbon 30%
Injection Grade 12M x 65M   Silicon Carbide 90%
Total Carbon 29%

*Sized Material such as 3/8" x 65M is also available.
**Also available in SuperSacks or in bulk.


Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change