
Nickel Mag 4 is a nickel-magnesium-iron alloy developed as a direct melt addition for the production of ductile iron. This foundry additive product provides optimum economy due to the improved nickel to magnesium ratio compared to Incomag Alloy 3LC. Reactivity is similar to the latter, but substitution of iron for nickel lowers density and melting point and therefore, lowers the useful treatment temperature range. A highly efficient magnesium transfer is achieved with this alloy resulting in magnesium recoveries of 80 to 90 percent and corresponding reduction of magnesium oxide fumes to acceptable emission levels.

With a density of 7.3 g/cc compared to 6.9 g/cc for liquid cast iron, Nickel Mag 4 can be simply dropped into the melt in ladles and furnaces. The relatively quiet reaction which follows is a result of the proper balance of alloy composition.

The capability of direct addition provides the flexibility to treat at the most advantageous point in the process cycle. Small trim additions can also be made to furnaces or ladles to bring the subcritical magnesium residuals into range and restore spheroidization.

The usual relationship of improved magnesium treatment efficiency with decreasing temperature applies to Nickel Mag 4. Good performance in extensive laboratory and field testing has been obtained through the 2470°F to 2678°F (1355°C to 1470°C) range for all grades of ductile iron.

Silver-grey pieces approximately 6 in by 18 mesh
Chemical Analysis (percent)
Nickel Balance Silicon 2.0% max.
Magnesium 4.5 - 5.5% Cobalt 0.15% max.
Carbon 2.0% max. Copper 0.05% max
Iron 32.0 - 37.0% Manganese 0.20% max
551 lbs. steel drums
4 drums per pallet; strapped

Effective Date: 8/22/2012


Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change