Nickel Mag 5 is a nickel alloy containing 16 percent magnesium and about 0.2 percent carbon. It was developed by Inco for the foundry industry as an additive for the production of ductile iron. It enables magnesium to be introduced safely and efficiently into the molten iron bath to yield ductile iron with predicable and exceptional properties. Foundry additive alloys have been used in the commercial production of ductile iron since their introduction more than fifty years ago.

The high solubility of magnesium in nickel, the absence of segregation, and the relatively slow release of magnesium into the iron bath makes Nickel Mag 5  a safe, efficient and economical additive for all types of base irons and with all methods of addition. Magnesium recoveries are more consistent and complete than with the nickel-free magnesium additives. The reaction is calm and controlled with Nickel Mag 5 .

The small amount of nickel introduced by Nickel Mag 5 functions as a graphitizer and pearlite stabilizer. Nickel thus enhances the tensile strength and other mechanical properties. The use of Nickel Mag 5  in the production of ductile iron has been shown to minimize variations between light and heavy sections of castings. This alloy is also eminently suited for the production of austenitic and bainitic types of ductile iron.

Silver-grey pieces
Typical Chemical Analysis (percent)
Nickel 60.0 - 65.0% Silicon 4.5 - 6.5%
Magnesium 14.0 - 18.0% Manganese 0.15% max
Carbon 1.50% max Cobalt 0.15% max
Copper 0.05% max Iron Balance
4 x 1/4
2 x 1/2
1 x 8M
551 lbs. steel drums
4 drums per pallet; strapped

Effective Date: 6/12/13


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Product specifications are subject to change