Vale Nickel Pellets have the lowest metallic impurity level of any commercially available form of nickel. This feature derives from the specificity of the carbonyl refining process by which pellets are produced in Canada. This continuous process is unique in its ability to separate nickel from other elements yielding pellets that are virtually devoid of non-metallics and other subversive elements.

The consistent quality makes Vale Nickel Pellets most suitable for the production of nickel-containing alloys requiring a high-purity charge material. This includes high-nickel alloys and iron-base alloys made to exacting aerospace and electronic industry standards. The exceptionally low cobalt content makes this form attractive for the production of alloys meeting nuclear industry specifications.

The spherical shape and the compact size result in a product of high packing density that reduces furnace backcharging. The flowability of the spherical pellets permits semi- and fully-automated handling operations, such as transfer from bulk storage to weighing and furnace charging stations.

Vale Nickel Pellets are available throughout the world in a variety of convenient packages to satisfy large and small scale production needs.

Quality management systems for the production, packaging and marketing of Vale Nickel Pellets have been registered and comply with the requirements of ISO Standard 9002-94.

Spherical, 6-20 mm (0.25-0.8 in.) diameter
Bulk Density
Approximately 4.8-5.6 kg/dm3 (0.17-0.2 lbs./in.3)
Typical Chemical Analysis (percent)
Nickel 99.99 Sulfur   0.0002
Cobalt <0.00002 Copper <0.00005
Iron   0.002 Zinc <0.00005
Carbon <0.01 Lead <0.00002
Exceeds the chemical requirements of ISO 6283, NR9995 and ASTM B 39 Nickel by difference
250 kg (551 lbs.) steel drums; 8 drums per pallet; strapped. Net weight 2000 kg (4408 lbs.)
10 kg (22 lbs.) plastic bags; 5 bags per box;
20 boxes per pallet; stretch-wrapped
Net weight 1000 kg (2204 lbs.)
Available in large bags, net weight 2000 kg
(4408 lbs.)

Effective Date: 5/28/14

Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change.