Tech Talk is a publication produced by Miller and Company containing subject matter of particular interest to foundry operations. Whether the issue concerns casting defect analysis, general metallurgy, or molten metal treatment, foundry personnel charged with improving the output of their plant should find these publications timely and helpful.

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Available Tech Talk Issues (Printed Copies Only)

Volume 31: Nitrogen Recovery from Carbon Raisers in Ductile Iron - And Impact Upon Microstructure and Properties

Volume 30: Challenges Loom Due To Improving Steel Technology
Volume 29: It Doesn't Melt, It Dissolves
Volume 28: Metallurgical Quality and Chill TestingOld as Antiquity, New as Tomorrow
Volume 27: Boron-Friend or Foe?
Volume 26: Nitrogen Revisited
Volume 25: Casting Defects Unique to Ductile Iron
Volume 24: Genesis of a Slip Plane
Volume 23: An Historical Perspective of Inoculant Design
Volume 22: More Experience with Graphitic and Non-Graphitic Recarburizers in Ductile Iron Production
Volume 21: Copper in Gray and Ductile Iron
Volume 20: Cleanliness & Productivity Improvement in the Steel Foundry By Plasma Ladle Refining
Volume 19: Change and Risk—Keys to Tomorrow's Success
Volume 18: Comparing Crystaline and Non-Crystaline Recarburizers in Ductile Iron Production
Volume 17: Identification and Resolution of Casting Defects
Volume 16: Using Sorelmetal® as a Partial Replacement for Steel Scrap in Ductile Iron Charges
Volume 15: Phosphorus in Ductile Iron
Volume 14: Improving the Consistency of Pearlitic Ductile Iron Castings
Volume 13: When and How Inoculation Should Be Used
Volume 12: More on Inoculation - Alloy Selection
Volume 11: Porous Plug Metal Mixing in Cupola Foundries
Volume 10 (A Case Study): Carbide Occurrence in Ductile Iron
Volume 9: The Relative Values of Cupola Charge Metallics
Volume 8 (Special Edition): Looking at the Future - Must it be Like the Past?
Volume 7 (Part A - Physical Metallurgy): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part B- Carbon): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part C- Silicon): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part D- Sulfur and Manganese): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part E- Phosphorus): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part F- Chromium): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part G- Lead): Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron

Volume 6: Tundish Ladle Treatment of Ductile Iron - An Update

Volume 5: A Theory On Inoculation

Volume 4: Alloying Gray Iron For Increased Strength

Volume 3: Carbon/Oxygen Reaction Holes and Blowholes

Volume 2: Nitrogen and Complex Hydrogen/Nitrogen Defects

Volume 1: Gas Defects in Gray and Ductile Iron Castings

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