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* Requested Volumes:
Volume 31: Nitrogen Recovery from Carbon Raisers in Ductile Iron - And Impact Upon Microstructure and Properties
Volume 30 -Challenges Loom Due to Improving Steel Technology
Volume 29 - It Doesn't Melt, It Dissolves
Volume 28 - Metallurgical Quality and Chill Testing - Old as Antiquity, New as Tomorrow
Volume 27 - Boron-Friend or Foe?
Volume 26 - Nitrogen Revisited
Volume 25 - Casting Defects Unique to Ductile Iron
Volume 24 - Genesis of a Slip Plane
Volume 23 - An Historical Perspective of Inoculant Design
Volume 22 - More Experience with Graphitic and Non-Graphitic Recarburizers in Ductile Iron Production
Volume 21 - Copper in Gray and Ductile Iron
Volume 20 - Cleanliness and Productivity Improvement in the Steel Foundry By Plasma Ladle Refining
Volume 19 - Change and Risk - Keys to Tomorrow's Success
Volume 18 - Comparing Crystalline and Non-Crystalline Recarburizers in Ductile Iron Production
Volume 17 - Identification and Resolution of Casting Defects
Volume 16 - Using Sorelmetal as a Partial Replacement for Steel Scrap in Ductile Iron Charges
Volume 15 - Phosphorus in Ductile Iron
Volume 14 - Improving the Consistency of Pearlitic Ductile Iron Castings
Volume 13 - When and How Inoculation Should Be Used
Volume 12 - More on Inoculation - Alloy Selection
Volume 11 - Porous Plug Metal Mixing in Cupola Foundries
Volume 10 (A Case Study) - Carbide Occurrence in Ductile Iron
Volume 9 - The Relative Values of Cupola Charge Metallics
Volume 8 (Special Edition) - Looking at the Future - Must it be Like the Past?
Volume 7 (Part A - Physical Metallurgy) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part B- Carbon) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part C- Silicon) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part D- Sulfur and Manganese) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part E- Phosphorus) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part F- Chromium) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron
Volume 7 (Part G- Lead) - Metallurgy and Chemistry Control of Gray Cast Iron

Volume 6 - Tundish Ladle Treatment of Ductile Iron - An Update

Volume 5 - A Theory On Inoculation

Volume 4 - Alloying Gray Iron For Increased Strength

Volume 3 - Carbon/Oxygen Reaction Holes and Blowholes

Volume 2 - Nitrogen and Complex Hydrogen/Nitrogen Defects

Volume 1 - Gas Defects in Gray and Ductile Iron Castings