Ferro-Columbium (Niobium) Specifications

Cb 60.0-70.0%
Ta 5.0% max.
C 0.15% max.
Mn 3.0% max.
Si 4.0% max.
Al 3.0% max.
Sn 0.25% max.
S 0.10% max.
1/2" x Down
Bulk Density: 287 lb./cu. ft.
Apparent Density: 7.75 gm/cubic centimeter
Approximate Melting Range: 3140°F Liquidus
2900°F Solidus
Application: Columbium's chief function is to increase yield strength while at the same time improving toughness.
Country of Origin:  

Chicago, IL
Industry, PA

Effective Date: 4/22/14


Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change