Ferro Boron Specifications

B 17.5 - 19%
C 1.50% max
Si 2.00% max
Al 0.50% max
2 x 1/2
Specific Gravity: 6.4 g/cm3 (approx.)
Melting Range:
Liquidus ~ 1540°C (2804F) at 16% B
Solidus ~ 1390°C (2534F) at 16% B
Application: Ferroboron additions are made to increase the hardenability of steels.  Residual boron levels of 5 to 10 ppm are added.  It is most effective in low carbon steel.  Boron is also used in metallic glasses.

Chicago, IL

Effective Date: 11/25/14


Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change