MG 4R is a low magnesium alloy that contains relatively high levels of Rare Earth elements. Due to the relatively low Magnesium level, the alloy is not as reactive as 6% MgFeSi alloys. The higher levels of Rare Earths provide nodulizing effects so that ductile irons can be produced with somewhat lower Magnesium residuals compared to 6% Mg, 1% TRE alloys. MG 4R is useful in the Flo-Tret process.

Chemical Analysis:
Silicon 43.0-48.0%
Magnesium 4.00-4.50%
Calcium 0.80-1.30%
Aluminum 0.5-1.5%
TRE 1.50-2.00%
3/8" x 12M
Effective Date: 1/28/13

Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change