La-MG5 Specifications

The La-MG5 alloy is a nodulizer that contains rare earths as a lanthanum rich source. There are only trace levels of any other rare earths present.  The use of lanthanum rich nodulizers has been observed by users to be effective in the reduction of shrinkage defects in castings.  Such an effect is attributed to the distribution of graphite nodule sizes in the castings.

Chemical Analysis:
Silicon 43.0-48.0%
Magnesium 5.50-6.50%
Lanthanum 0.35-0.55%
Calcium 0.80-1.20%
Aluminum 0.5-1.5%
3/4" x 10 Mesh
[2-20 mm]
Other size distributions can be made available upon request.
Effective Date: 2/5/13


Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change