Charge Chromium Specifications

  A B
Cr 51.0-56.0% 56.0-62.0%
C 6.0-8.0% 6.0-8.0%
Si 6.0% max. 8.0-14.0% max.
S 0.040% max. 0.050% max.
P 0.03% max. 0.03% max.
8" x 4" 1/2" x 8 Mesh 1/2" x Down
4/5" x 2" 1/4" x Down  
4" x 1/2" 8 Mesh x Down  
2" x 1/2" 20 Mesh x Down  
Bulk Density: 240 lb./cu. ft.
Apparent Density: 7.20 gm/cubic centimeter
Approximate Melting Range: 2732 °F Liquidus
2462 °F Solidus
Application: In cast iron, chromium increases hardness, strength and resistance to oxidation and growth at high temperatures.
Country of Origin: South Africa

Chicago, IL
East Liverpool, OH/Industry, PA

Effective Date: 5/8/07
Please Note:
Product specifications are subject to change